The S32R family provides safe and secure radar processing, combining functional safety, hardware security, high-performance real-time processing and dedicated radar processing acceleration. The NXP radar portfolio provides scalable solutions for use cases including corner radar, front radar and 4D imaging radar.

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S32R Processors

Product Application Processing Real Time Processing Memory
S32R45 4 x Arm® A53 @ 800MHz 3 x Lockstep Arm M7 @ 400MHz 8MB SRAM + LPDDR4 + EXT FLASH
S32R41 1 x Arm A53 @ 800MHz 2 x Lockstep Arm M7 @ 400MHz 8MB SRAM + EXT FLASH
These products are part of the S32 Automotive Platform

S32R Microcontrollers

Product Application Processing Real Time Processing Memory
S32R294: Radar Microcontroller 2 x Power PC® Z7 @ 500MHz 1 x Lockstep Power PC Z4 @ 250MHz 5.5MB SRAM – 2MB FLASH
S32R26: Microcontroller for High-Performance Radar 2 x Power PC Z7 @ 240MHz 1 x Lockstep Power PC Z4 @ 120MHz 1.5MB SRAM – 2MB FLASH
S32R27: Microcontroller for High-Performance Radar 2 x Power PC Z7 @ 240MHz 1 x Lockstep Power PC Z4 @ 120MHz 1.5MB SRAM – 2MB FLASH
S32R37: Microcontrollers for Optimized Radar 2 x Power PC Z7 @ 240MHz - 1MB SRAM – 1.2MB FLASH

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